Misją naszej szkoły jest kształcenie, które umożliwia uczniom pełny rozwój zdolności i talentów. Wpajamy im wiarę w siebie, by osiągali sukcesy na miarę indywidualnych możliwości. Naszą misję i filozofię oparliśmy o założenia przyświecające IB.
International High School of Wroclaw Philosophy
We believe in a balanced education that meets each student’s needs. As such, we undertake to provide the most enriching and stimulating educational programme possible, helping our students develop to their highest potential academically, physically, socially, and emotionally. We aim to provide students with the technological skills necessary to pursue knowledge in informed and responsible ways, and to express that knowledge creatively. We understand that children learn and grow best within a caring, supportive and meaningful environment, and we promote acceptance and respect for self and others. We are sensitive to and supportive of the transitions inherent in our international community, and view education as a partnership of students, teachers and parents. We value our own, our host and our school cultures, and provide opportunities to learn about them in a spirit of multiculturalism. We aim to foster international mindedness, supporting active participation in the Wroclaw community and in the world around us. We encourage interest in, and empathy for, humanity. We recognise the importance of our interactions with the environment. We promote reflective, open‐minded and principled learners who take risks and who are able to communicate effectively. We encourage students to think critically and we view learning as a life‐long process.